See how our VoltDevil power supply regulator fits easily into a typical CCTV set-up:

You can use these VoltDevil devices adjacent to your camera to ensure that you are supplying the camera with a quality 12V DC regulated supply.

For example you have a long cable run and 12V DC is insufficient for the length and the power drops off before it reaches the camera. Here you could use a 24V AC supply and fit the VoltDevil at the camera end to deliver 12V DC to the camera.

Provides a 12V output from a 18-24V AC input!

the VoltDevil power supply regulator

The diagram below shows another example, here you only want to use one power source. See how the VoltDevil power supply regulator fits easily into a typical CCTV set-up.

Useful for converting a 24V AC supply from a power source or PTZ equipment into a regulated 12V DC supply for a camera.

Typical example of  VoltDevil usage

Typical example where the installer wises to use the same supply to power a 24v AC PTZ and a 12v DC camera.